Lesbian is a sexual orientation or romantic orientation most often defined as a woman who is attracted to other women, with many variations in definitions. Although lesbians are frequently defined as women who are attracted to women exclusively/solely, they are also defined as women attracted to women primarily/mainly. Some prefer to use or additionally use "gay" or "gay woman" as an identifier.
Lesbians have debated who shares their identity and is part of the lesbian community for over a century. They have variously been defined based on sexual attractions, romantic attractions, sexual behaviors, or self-identifying with the label. Definitions also vary in whether or not they use expanded language regarding gender with phrasing that explicitly includes people who do not identify only as women, such as non-binary people who are woman-aligned or feel a connection to womanhood, or genderqueer people who feel a connection to womanhood.
---Description from LGBTQIA+ wiki---